Wednesday, August 27, 2008

School's Back In

Nick started school last week. He is a Freshman! He has - Biology, Sociology, Geometry, PE, Lunch, English, and Art - in that order. Biology, Geometry and English are GATE classes (harder than usual). I'm guessing GATE stands for Gifted And Talented Extraordinaire.

He has Mr. Trutna for Geometry. Mr. Trutna says he's in a Gang! He says his gang goes around and tags driveways with chalk. They draw hopscotch squares and flowers, and the occasional math problem. He likes to mess with his friends by saying things like, "That Starbucks is located on the vertex of Blackstone and Barstow".

So far, Mr. Trutna appears to be the best part of High School (plus the other GATE classes). Not much homework yet. I imagine that will change soon.


  1. Brings back memories of my first year in high school. I'd have to dig out my ancient records to find out what classes I had.

    Swan DAD

  2. Mr. Jahn Trutna is an old water polo friend of mine. Would this be the same man?

  3. P.S. Have Nick tell Mr. Trutna that he still owes a "5 meter" to Weaver.

  4. OK, Nick will tell Mr. Trutna. We'll see what happens!

  5. He said you had to earn your "5 meter" before you could have it.-lil swan man

  6. Nick can tell him that it does not work that way. A year ago he missed a call and told me that he would give me a "make up." I still have not got it.

    Have Nick tell him that Weaver and his possie are gonna roll down on him hard. We have our pressure washers and are not afraid to wash some driveways.

  7. Trutna says he's not afraid of any power washers and if you want to start something he and his possie will do a drive by on your house with water balloons.-lil swan man
