Wednesday, April 16, 2008

14 Years and One E-mail Address

Nick is 14 now. He's spent a lot of time in front of a computer in those last 14 years. Above is an early picture of him playing "The Tortoise and the Hair" when he was about 2. He's never been especially interested in the Internet, My Space, e-mail, or any of that popular stuff (thank goodness), but yesterday he finally asked me if he could have his own e-mail account. I thought he would want an e-mail account years ago, but he just wasn't interested. So we set him up last night with his very first e-mail address - Today I figured out why he wanted an e-mail address. It seems that World of Warcraft isn't working quite right, and he needed to send an e-mail to their support staff to report the problem. "Necessity is the mother of invention", or the mother of an e-mail address in this case!

Nick - age 14 (now he's allowed access to the keyboard)


  1. I sent Nick an e-mail and he did not respond. I guess he only needs it for WOW.

  2. That's odd, he didn't get it. Let's see if it bounces.

  3. Opps, my bad, it got caught in the SBC.Yahoo bulk mail folder...
