Sunday, January 18, 2009

The Mountains and the Valley

No, this isn't a deep, insightful blog post about the mountains and valleys of life. It's just little note about how we got to drive from the valley (where we live) to the mountains (where we wished we lived) last weekend.

Here was the view once we got above the fog (yes, it's 'blog fog') -

Then when you turned about 180 degrees the other direction, here's what we saw -

Much nicer view.

We got to stay in a very nice cabin for two days. Tracy worked on a quilt and I formatted the hard drive on my laptop and reinstalled all the necessities. Nick played video games and watched movies. Tracy's mom and dad visited on Saturday. It was a very nice weekend.


  1. So, where were you? I don't recognize the hills in the front.

  2. The pictures were from a pull-out on the 4-lane. We stayed at the Corrao cabin. If I just had an extra $400K...

  3. In the legendary words of Liz Lemon, "Me want go there."

  4. GS,

    To be consistent with the naming convention, the top photo could have been taken by Cloud Man and the bottom photo by Sunny Man. However, I believe Swan Man should be your official handle for all public appearances.

    Your next trick photo might involve using a mirror to capture the clear, 180 degrees opposite view with the clouds view in the background...sort of a superimposing of images through the use of a mirror.

